Thursday, June 11, 2009


Marklin using 74030 - contrrol 2 trains with insulated sections

One big layout of marklin track with 2+ sections powered seperately. advantage - can have 2+ trains parked in different sidings, controlled seperarately. each section of track would have to have only one train on it. Now you can :
park train 1 in siding 1 (powered by control unit 1)
park train 2 in siding 2 (powered by control unit 2)
run train 1 in main track (powered by control unit 3)
park train 1 in siding 1 (powered by control unit 1) or siding 3 (powered by control unit 4)
run train 2 in main track (powered by control unit 3) ...
To do this you need part 74030 which are little rubber bits that fit in the electric points between rails. And more than 1 control unit (one comes with each starter kit). If you have 3 can make 2 sidings (track that goes if a fork ; can be used to park a train) each siding powered seperately and the main track by another power / control unit
marklin,toy,train,toy train, train set,hobby, entertainment

Tushar Kapila Volunteer computer idle time to science, is run by a friend; he has helped me with 2 algorithms. A child genius was in oxford at age 17 , and feed hungry , its free.
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