Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Quoting :pallavi ramesh DJ 94.3 FM Blr

A quote from pallaviramesh  

pallavi ramesh DJ 94.3 FM Blr www.pallaviramesh.com

U know wat there a question i asked on the other forums...do women really listen..according to me they hardly listen..yeah yeah im saying that on personal experience....i only listen if i want to..i mean i listen to people only whom i want to listen to...ma friend says this:Its just a myth like the white elephant, women do listen, but the problem is they talk more which gives them less time to listen. So they talk more and hence listen less ;) ... http://www.pallaviramesh.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&Itemid=3


  1. I guess its bullshit, as far as i know, what made u to tink like that, women really listen but not bullshit people on air, we are very selective.

  2. its a quote from another site follow the link http://www.pallaviramesh.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&Itemid=3


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