Two months after the Supreme Court, faced with demands ... what I find urgh is that they are all so rich. either they are corrupt or the system is bad and only the super rich make it ! one crore = Rs.100,00,00,000/- == $213,037/- == much more than you would expect anyone in govt. usual net worth for a regular corporate person are
let me pull up a salary chart. this is not from salary alone. thats much less. though they do get a home, car etc
basically these guys assets are 100x monthly salary. all their families are monied or they all invested very well or ... in any case it looks corrupt.
are these judges corrupt or are they all just lucky!
[quote id=/l/135366/1/#q2][b]arrows[/b]:Well, [url=]yes[/url].[/quote]let me pull up a salary chart. this is not from salary alone. thats much less. though they do get a home, car etc
basically these guys assets are 100x monthly salary. all their families are monied or they all invested very well or ... in any case it looks corrupt
nothing new
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