Wednesday, December 30, 2009
fraser town food frenzy
so we did the wise thing and quickly set up kitchen so we can cook some meals at home. not n easy thing - reviving our expensive elf lpg, then calling him back for a tube ...
So we had a few oppurtunities to try the Darshinis (besides Indira Darshini near Coles Park on MM Road, one more opposite 'Casio Gifts' on Mosque Road) well - besides the idly dosa, ok rotis when you want to go wallet-light.
Other places I liked :
the bread joint near Casio - great whole wheat and broken wheat, nice chicken burgers (without cheese), do not try the KFC wanna be chicken.the sales guy speaks English but apparently not very well or does not care. he's friendly enough but when i ordered a burger without mayo or butter or cheese; I got one - with all 3!
For a tastier burger (chicken patty better too) head across the street to
11th Cross. Met these people at the Bangalore Habba too, where even in the rush, when Strings paused for a break, they made me a burger with just the salad leave, some ketchep and the chicken, aah yumm, Tea was feesh and well made too. Something that is nigh impossible to get in most Darshini's (just stick to the coffee unless you want to risk a walk on the over cooked tea side.)
Chung wah has nice ambience and better food than Taiwan (or is is it Taipan - at the crossing of Coles and Mosque Roads) - especially dislike the lighting and twice the vegetables were very old, but for an Ok meal , nice mucic, ok service, etremely Rupee friendly - Taiwan is good to go, we will go there at lesat once a month.
Today, 31st went to one of the muslim joints on MM Road, this one advertises Paya and mutton keema, but alas it was 8pm but the rotis were not ready so I left and settled for a dosa. hey its the last day of the year so gave a pass to whole-wheat with tomatoes breakka today.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Bangalore Hubba, thank you
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Hotels and restaurantes in Bangalore
great place for 5 star stay, food and parties in Bangalore
At our first party in 2006 April loved the chocolate fountain. The hotel was not fully operational then. After that it has come a long way. When I got married we were spoilt at the ghana, then at the suite. especially thoughtful staff who helped my new bride with a dress emergency. Ate breakka-lunch-dinner there for 3 days straight and did not get bored with the food. with most 5 starts its 3 meals at most and then need to go out for a change! Coffee shop serves awesome pizza and value for money buffets.
The swimming pool is tiny, but the gym is well equipped and the instructor was very helpful, the one time I did make it there.
ghana == Punjabi - pre wedding party with song, dance and spirits!
Monday, November 16, 2009
reliance data card bad deal
From Tushar Kapila
Abshot Lyt
Bangalore 560052
I told them there must be a billing error. they never did anything. Before that on day 1 I told them of connection being dropped, they said they will rectify. nothing was done.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Are your judges as rich as mine?
Monday, November 2, 2009
no play with Aus and Pak
Tushar Kapila , and feed hungry , its free.
games i like
Saturday, October 31, 2009
autos , walking at night
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
save the Cubbon Park
wikipedia Cubbon Park
they (govt, their friends) are trying to encroach on Bangalore's lung space - the Cubbon Park. i love that place, flowers, grass, trees, water, in the middle of the city 3 km away from my house.
and makes me more sad that i cannot do much besides blog about it, write an email, and hope, when i do go and meet the govt chaps they try to talk to you in Kannada. when u answer back in the 10 words you know they act like you do not belong there. or that they know what they are doing, and to let them get on with it. no politician waste time with educated people cause we hardly vote.
so i joined the professional's party of India but it looks more like a interest group - 2 people showed up for the meeting
Volunteer computer idle time to science, by a child genius was in oxford at age 17 , and feed hungry , its free.
Please add these to your start-up how to:
or bookmark all in one folder in your browser and open all together so you
remember to visit all! you can even bookmark the individual tabs of the hunger
site like this
> for child health
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Quoting :pallavi ramesh DJ 94.3 FM Blr
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
windsor manor junction sankey road, pedestrian crossing
Tushar Kapila yahoo : msn : GTalk : Volunteer computer Cancer cures , and feed hungry , its free.
Please add these to your start-up how to:
Friday, August 7, 2009
bad end - Silver Star hotel, Palolem, Goa
Tushar Kapila yahoo : msn : GTalk : Volunteer computer Cancer cures , and feed hungry , its free.
Please add these to your start-up how to:
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
violence and fear in Abshot layout
Tushar Kapila Volunteer computer Cancer cures , and feed hungry , its free.
Please add these to your start-up how to:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cute Marriage invite , and feed hungry , its free.
bsnl broadband 1504
bsnl broadband 1504 or 2220-2198
attached are the settings for "less disconnects"
tags: India, BSNL, broadband ,"less disconnects"
Tushar Kapila , and feed hungry , its free.
Marklin using 74030 - contrrol 2 trains with insulated sections
One big layout of marklin track with 2+ sections powered seperately. advantage - can have 2+ trains parked in different sidings, controlled seperarately. each section of track would have to have only one train on it. Now you can :
park train 1 in siding 1 (powered by control unit 1)
park train 2 in siding 2 (powered by control unit 2)
run train 1 in main track (powered by control unit 3)
park train 1 in siding 1 (powered by control unit 1) or siding 3 (powered by control unit 4)
run train 2 in main track (powered by control unit 3) ...
Tushar Kapila , and feed hungry , its free.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
VW has done it again ... a one seater car US$600/- INR 30,000/-

Interested? Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon) !!
Impressed? Totally, after you have read all the details below about the hi-tech and space-age material input into this car!!!
The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year
Better than Electric Car - 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai
This is a single seated car
From conception to production: 3 years and the company is headquartered in Hamburg , Germany .
Will be selling for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600..
Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons
Speed = 62 - 74.6 Miles/hour
Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon
Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles
Tushar Kapila yahoo : msn : GTalk : Volunteer computer idle time to science, is run by a friend; he has helped me with 2 algorithms. A child genius was in oxford at age 17 , and feed hungry , its free.
Please add these to your start-up how to: or bookmark all in one folder in your browser and open all together so you remember to visit all! you can even bookmark the individual tabs of the hunger site like this for child health
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Aquarium Fish
Fill tank with dechlorinated tap water (or from yours or helpful neighbour's bore-well) or pre-mixed saltwater for saltwater aquarium keepers.
Determine your method of starting the cycle. Fishless is the quickest and most humane way. For freshwater tanks, get some Bio-spira and add it to the tank. For saltwater tanks, live rock is the way to go. As the rock cures in the tank it will cycle your tank.
Test the aquarium water with your test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates.
Once you start getting nitrates and no nitrites you can safely add fish. If you're using live rock in saltwater tanks you may not see any of these (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate). If you've had the rock in the tank for several weeks/months you can assume that it's safe to slowly begin stocking the tank.
That's it!
refers to the process of removing a percentage of the aquarium water in order to improve water conditions for your fish. Unlike a fish's natural environment, aquariums are enclosed systems that quickly become polluted with biological substance buildup and dissolved organics. A water change is a good way of reducing the number of pollutants in aquarium water. Frequent and small water changes are considered better than infrequent large water changes. Also see: Aquarium Maintenance.
refers to the measurement of various levels in the aquarium. For example, aquariums that have been recently set up need to have their ammonia and nitrite parameters measured frequently in order to monitor the nitrogen cycle. Some other important water parameters that are frequently measured include temperature, pH, nitrate, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, alkalinity, etc. Measuring water parameters such as these will give the aquarist a general idea of the water quality in the aquarium.
is aquarium equipment that is designed to move water in an aquarium. External water pumps are used to pull water from the aquarium and send it to sumps or refugiums. After the water passes through the sump or refugium it is pushed back into the tank. Water pumps are also used in closed loop circulation systems that are designed to increase the water movement within the aquarium.
is an aquarium device that is designed to simulate waves in the aquarium. Most often used in saltwater aquariums, there are stand alone products that pull in water and once the water reaches a certain level in the wavemaker, it is quickly released back into the tank, creating a surge or wave. Multiple powerheads connected to a switching device that turns the various powerheads on and off in intervals can achieve a similar effect but the constant tripping of power to powerheads can cause accelerated wear and tear on the powerheads.
abbreviation for Watts Per Gallon and used in reference to aquarium lighting. Light intensity and aquarium depth are more important factors than Watts Per Gallon. WPG is a crude rule for estimating the amount of light needed for various organisms such as freshwater aquarium plants, corals and other invertebrates.
is an aquarium filter that incorporates a dry portion (air) in the filtration process. The exposure to the air increases the biological filtration capabilities of the filter. Trickle filters and bio-wheel filters incorporate a wet-dry filter portion.
see Ich.
Another common problem in the cycle stage is people over clean their tanks during partial water changes and maintenance. If you use the food or fish starting methods, its very important not to disturb the media bedding to allow beneficial bacteria cultivation and growth. Media is the largest source for this growth and over cleaning in the first few weeks can diminish this cultivation causing an elevation of ammonia and/or nitrites.
The Floating Bag Method
The Bucket Method
The Drip Method
The Floating Bag Method
This is probably the most common acclimation method and it works well. You just need to be careful when floating a bag full of unknown water in your tank. Ideally, you're floating the bag in a previously setup quarantine tank but, sadly, many new hobbyists don't use a quarantine tank. After you've been in the hobby for awhile and experience any sort of fish disease outbreak you'll soon come to realize the importance of a simple quarantine tank.
Beginners will have to start with plain tap water. Letting the water stand until it comes to room temperature will get rid of any chlorine that may have been added to the water to purify it. Chlorine is very harmful to fish. Your fish may be added as soon as the water in the tank does come to room temperature. At first the water may look a little cloudy, but this is normal for a new tank. If you feed your fish very sparingly for the first two weeks, this should clear up and remain clear.
Plants are important in an aquarium, but not as important as many people would have you to believe. Plants do not provide the fish will all the oxygen that they need. In spite of everything that you may have heard, fish do very well without the plants.
Plants add oxygen to the water and use up carbon dioxide only when they are actively making food. Green plants will make their won food by taking in the carbon dioxide and then changing it chemically so that they are able to use it.
Underwater plants do add a great deal of beauty to your aquarium. The plants will grow in the water to make a more natural surrounding for your fish. The fish can hide in the leaves of the plants and love to lay their eggs here. Also, a well planted aquarium is less likely to develop green water.
More fish die from overfeeding than from any other cause. Your other pets may need to be fed everyday, but your fish do not. If you do feed them every day, uneaten food will accumulate in the tank. It will then blacken the sand a produce gases and other poisons that are harmful to you fish. Most fish can go a week without you feeding them because the will eat the microscopic plants and animals that naturally live in an aquarium.